Article, The Counselors of Real Estate, 8.15.22
Client Alert, 8.2.22
Client Alert, 7.13.22
Client Alert, 7.8.22
Article,, 6.16.22
Article,, 6.16.22
Client Alert, 6.16.22
Article, American Bar Association, 6.6.22
Client Alert, 6.3.22
Client Alert, 3.25.22
Client Alert, 3.9.22
Client Alert, 3.1.22
Client Alert, 2.22.22
Client Alert, 2.16.22
Article, 2022 Retail Forecast, 1.10.22
Article, Retail and Commercial Development 2022 Forecast, 1.10.22
Article, Retail and Commercial Development 2022 Forecast, 1.10.22
Article, Retail and Commercial Development 2022 Forecast, 1.10.22
Article, Retail and Commercial Development 2022 Forecast, 1.10.22
Article, California Construction Law, 18th Ed. Supplement (Wolters Kluwer Law and Business 2022), Chapter 8, 22
Client Alert, 12.16.21
Client Alert, 12.14.21
Client Alert, 11.24.21
Client Alert, 11.12.21
Client Alert, 11.9.21
Client Alert, 10.21.21
Client Alert, 10.13.21
Client Alert, 9.30.21
Client Alert, 9.20.21
Client Alert, 7.27.21
Client Alert, 7.8.21
Client Alert, 5.25.21
Client Alert, 4.28.21
Client Alert, 3.24.21
Client Alert, 3.22.21
Article, The Mann Report, 3.16.21
Article, Retail Forecast 2021, 2.1.21
Client Alert, 1.19.21
Article, 2021 Retail Forecast, 1.11.21
Client Alert, 1.8.21
Client Alert, 1.8.21
Client Alert, 1.5.21
Client Alert, 12.21.20
Client Alert, 11.4.20
Client Alert, 10.29.20
Client Alert, 10.20.20
Article, Shopping Center Business, 10.12.20
Article, American Bar Association Section of Taxation Letter to the Internal Revenue Service, 10.5.20
Article, Retail & Restaurant Facility Business, 9.23.20
Client Alert, 9.23.20