Client Alert, 3.18.20
Client Alert, 3.17.20
Client Alert, 3.17.20
Article, Construction Executive, 3.17.20
Article, Builder and Developer, 3.11.20
Article, The Mann Report, 3.5.20
Article, Financier Worldwide, 3.2020
Article, Bloomberg Law, 2.27.20
Client Alert, 1.23.20
Article, Construction Executive, 1.20.20
Article, Western Real Estate Business, 1.20.20
Article, Retail and Commercial Development 2020 Forecast, 1.14.20
Article, Retail and Commercial Development 2020 Forecast, 1.14.20
Client Alert, 2020 Retail Perspectives, 1.14.20
Article, Continuing Education of the Bar (Cal. CEB 2020), Chapter 7, 2020
Client Alert, 12.23.19
Article, Hotel Executive, 12.15.19
Client Alert, 9.25.19
Client Alert, 9.12.19
Client Alert, 8.16.19
Client Alert, 8.5.19
Article, General Counsel News
Article, National Real Estate Investor, 7.31.19
Article, Construction Defect Journal
Article, Channels of Communication (CAI), Second Quarter
Client Alert, 6.21.19
Article, Construction Defect Journal
Article, Advocate Magazine
Article, Commercial Property Executive, 3.12.19
Article, California Constructor, 3.4.19
Article, Orange County Bar Association, 2.4.19
Article, The Mann Report, 2.1.19
Article, 2.1.19
Client Alert, 2019 Retail Perspectives, 1.24.19
Article, Retail and Commercial Development 2019 Forecast, 1.24.19
2019 Retail Perspectives: Practical Tips
Client Alert, 1.24.19
Article, Retail and Commercial Development 2019 Forecast, 1.24.19
Client Alert, 1.14.19
Article, American Bar Association Section of Taxation Letter to the Internal Revenue Service, 1.10.19
Article, Los Angeles Lawyer Magazine, 1.4.19
Article, California Construction Law, 18th Ed. Supplement (Wolters Kluwer Law and Business 2020), Chapter 14
Client Alert, 12.11.18
Article, Construction Executive, 12.3.18
Article, Western Real Estate Business, 11.28.18
Article, The Mann Report, 11.2.18
Article, North American Windpower, 11.1.18
Article, SoCal Real Estate, 9.27.18
Client Alert, 9.7.18
Article, The International Who's Who of Real Estate Lawyers, 8.31.18