New California Law Prohibits Type I Indemnity for Construction Defect Claims in Residential Construction Contracts (PDF)
Client Alert, 11.01.05
Safeguards for Directors and Officers - Optimize the Protections Afforded by Indemnification and D&O Insurance
Article, 10.01.05
On Loan - The Basics of Subscription Financing
Article, October 2005
Retail Perspectives (PDF)
Client Alert, Fall 05
What Developers Should Know About Special Purpose Bankruptcy Remote Entities
Article, 09.01.05
Client Alert, 09.01.05
Contractual Predispute Jury Trial Waivers a Thing of the Past (PDF)
Client Alert, 09.01.05
Security Deposits: Not So Secure?(PDF)
Client Alert, 08.01.05
The Right Mix
Article, 07.01.05
The Paperless Office (Are We There Yet?)
Article, July 2005
Perspectives (PDF)
Client Alert, Spring 05
Got Insurance?
Article, 5.01.05
Retail Perspectives (PDF)
Client Alert, Spring 2005
A Fund Primer
Article, 05.01.05
Multi-State Loan Transactions
Article, 04.26.05
Homestead Law Could Help Keep a Roof Over Your Head
Article, 02.15.05
Supreme Court Limits Scope of Contribution Claims Under CERCLA (PDF)
Client Alert, 02.09.05
The Risks of Security
Article, February 2005
Be Quiet! (Or I'll Sue)
Article, 01.01.05
New Brownfields Law Offers Qualified Purchasers Unprecedented Immunities From Cleanup Liability (PDF)
Client Alert, 11.01.04
Changing of the Guard
Article, October 2004
Nafta: Sleeping Giant or Just Sleeping?
Article, October 2004
Lost In Transformation
Article, 08.01.04
Labor Code Section 2810 Makes Developers and Contractors Vicariously Liable for Labor Code Violations of Independent Contractors (PDF)
Client Alert, 07.01.04
Retail Perspectives (PDF)
Client Alert, Summer 04
Fannie Mae Program Changes to Low-Floater Bond Market Will Affect the Affordable Housing Industry
Article, 06.14.04
Steering Through the Defeasance Minefield
Article, 06.01.04
Borrowing Trouble?
Article, 05.01.04
Perspectives (PDF)
Client Alert, Spring 2004
Builders' Right to Disclaim Implied Warranties Upheld in California (PDF)
Client Alert, 02.01.04
Partners in Crime
Article, 02.01.04
Perspectives (PDF)
Client Alert, Winter 2004
The New Gray
Article, 01.01.04
Special Purpose Bankruptcy Remote Entities
Article, 01.01.04
Financing Timeshare Vacation Clubs
Article, 10.06.03
Dealing With Defects
Article, 10.01.03
The Sale of a Homebuilding Entity Poses Risks When Employees Are Transferred to the Buyer
Article, 10.01.03
Perspectives (PDF)
Client Alert, Fall 2003
Prepare for the Worst
Article, 09.02.03
The Economic Impacts of Critical Habitat Designation
Article, 09.01.03
An Opportune Time for Niche Funds
Article, August 2003
Homebuilders For Sale
Article, August 2003
More On Spores
Article, July/Aug 2003
Article, July 2003
Perspectives (PDF)
Client Alert, Spring 2003
Dispute Resolution: Agreeing to Disagree
Article, June 2003
State Senator Introduces Split Roll Property Tax Measure That Could Impact Shopping Center Developers (PDF)
Client Alert, 05.01.03
Developing Deals
Article, May 2003
New Legislation Bringing Builders and Owners Together To Repair, Not Litigate, Construction Defects
Article, 04.01.03
Negotiating CAM Caps: Balancing the Interest of Landlord's and Tenants
Article, Spring 2003